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I’ve decided to break up my new postings with thoughts about where my head/heart is at, and where my work is at. There are a lot less process, and art based posts than I’d like. In an effort to improve that and keep things balanced, I’m going to try this out. Here goes…


I spend a lot of time running headlong into things, then stopping and taking a long gaze back for a long time.

There’s nothing wrong with rushing forward and staying busy, motivated, doing, exploring, experiencing and all the fun stuff that comes with working hard. There’s also nothing wrong with looking back at what you’ve done and accomplished, along with all of the failures you’ve had to get to where you’re at now. I’ve failed A LOT in the last few years. Hell, I’ve failed a lot at life. I look back on my posts and see the constant struggle. And rather than hide and sweep them under the rug, I gotta embrace it and look at it from a place of love and appreciation. Because without those struggles and emotions, I wouldn’t be here. Hardened, experienced and wiser.

Yeah. I am pretty wise. I’m no Gandalf, but I know shit because I lived it, created it, and watched it fall apart. So now I can build it back better and make fun things and be fun again. Along the way, I forgot how to have fun. Now that I am fun again, I can look back on myself with a little bit of compassion and tell myself that I appreciate the struggle, because I’m better for it.

Creative stuff. 

I’m working on a Spider-man collage right now. I felt like it, and it will probably look cool.

It’s inspired by the work of many of the brilliant artists that worked on the title over the years. I just wanted to put my little spin on it as a personal piece.

I’m also working on a canvas featuring 9 of the more popular members of the Avengers, in this Brady-Bunch-esque 9 panel arrangement. All the favourites are there. Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, etc. Once it’s completed, I’ll detail the process here in the blog.

Written by drezz

November 27, 2023