Many years ago, I had an idea to create a blog about ideas. I was coached by a number of people to stick to a specific niche that was a bit more profitable and useful, so the idea went by the wayside. That was over 20 years ago.
You know that feeling where you should trust your own instincts and do what YOU feel is right? I wish I had the wisdom to heed that advice. I scrapped the idea and went ahead to embark on a different pursuit. Now, I did try to start something up about 5 years ago, but things going on in my personal life forced me to put it back on the shelf for a later date. Well, seeing as I’ve started the new year with a new host, why not try out a new direction. Ladies and gents, welcome to the studio…
The plan is simple. Write a detailed post about an idea, concept or thing that could potentially work, and have fun just coming up with creative things, as well as showing off projects I’m working on and more. It may not be daily, but it will be a hobby tracker and journal all rolled into one. Who knows where the heck this thing might take me.
The inspiration for this came from former sites like Dave’s Geeky Ideas and the rise of YouTube videos with strange DIY mashups of wacky ideas to create something new. Being a creator at heart, with a bunch of fun things I like to do and try, I figured it would be worth it. Where else are you going to find something like a concept for a 16-bit side scroller or an experimental journey to turn an old iMac into a Hackintosh (what? why??). In addition to that, I’m probably going to post some shorts of my digital and traditional illustration work, and other crafty ideas I come up with. It’s a mixed bag – with the potential for a lot of failures and disasters. But isn’t that what creates eventual success? Repeated failures?
Come along for the ride and see for yourself.